Friday, June 6, 2008

Jokes That Stuck; 'Go To The Mall'

Boy, did I relate to this; this was my LIFE for ten years. I am pretty sure that everyone, from the hippest of hipsters to the corniest of corny has had an encounter like this in a record-store. Also, usually Stevie does no wrong, but man did I hate this schmaltzy song. I wanted to react this so many times, but just never could (I actually wanted to keep my job and I'm not a rude dude, man!). Thank you, Jack Black, for saying what I wanted to say to so many people for so many years

It's a real shame that the kids coming up today won't ever REALLY know the pleasure of record-shopping, 'digging', and such; the internet has made things so easy to get to. The kids just make 'playlists' for each other. Release dates don't have the relevance that they used to. On one hand it's a good thing because the power is being snatched from the 'major' record companies and after all those years of ripping off all those artists, I am enjoying watching them scramble to figure out new ways to bring in revenue. On the other hand, there's just too many ways to get to what you think (or what the record-companies think) you wanna hear and kids will never have the joy of 'finding' out-of-print CD's/records. I'd be willing to bet that the average 15-year-old has never played a record in their life.

Wow. The times-they-are-a-changin'. Go to the mall and buy a CD. Noooo, better yet, go to an independent record-store and buy ANYTHING..
You're gonna miss those spots one day, unless you do something about it now.

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