(Disclaimer; I ain't talkin' to or about you, and if you think I am...well....then, write me. I'd rather work it out, but I can cut 'em off just as quick. Welcome to The New Life. Everybody has a Nemesis. I'm finna talk to mine. The next time you hear about this; it'll rhyme and it'll be my TRUE VOICE. Enter 'Icarus')
I don't like you. You represent everything that I am against; sloth, greed, false pride, faking jacks, inability to check yourself, and an ego that is outta control. Even in my absence, I can smell the hatred coming off you, wafting over the heads from the back of the club. The stench is unbearable.
I just told you I was done STFU. I did that for the longest. I let people take credit for shit they didn't do, could never do, and never had the HeArt to do. I let people slide when I hear shit talked about me and my Group. I have turned away from it and listened intently, all while STFU. If I were to detail some of the stuff that has gotten back to me from extremely reliable sources or some of the things that have been said about me/Us in print, online and otherwise, you would understand why I am so down to hold a grudge. It don't bother me one iota to shake off haters. I am thankful that you finally decided to show your true colors. You fooled me for a long time.
I'll never again feel the need to talk to you about anything. I am letting you know this because when you see me, I don't want you to think I am gonna be politically correct. You shit on me/Us and I'm never forgetting that. No one in this group has ever been anything but supportive of anyone in our Circle (I CAN speak for the Group in this case.), so when people in that Circle or formerly in that Circle go into the world and tell outright lies about me or my Group; yeah, I take that shit pretty seriously. I have had people that have claimed to know me and love me as their brother sit directly across from me and tell me that I was 'selfish', a 'spotlight hog', "I want it to be all about me" as if I just do this for some kinda glory or something. Kiddo, if it didn't mean as much to me as it does, I wouldn't have my ass up at 8 in the morning, making mixtapes featuring local cats for free downloading, writing Songs, editing videos and uploading them, driving my neighbors crazy in the name of
MUDKIDS TV . If it meant half as much to you, you would receive the recognition you so desperately long for and you wouldn't hafta hate on me/Us to get it. I have taken it on as my RESPONSIBILITY and MISSION to represent YOU and your City. You, in return, have shit on Us.
When I address issues and over-explain my case after months of STFU and I don't get responses, I am forced to believe that I am right. I am absolutely no joke when it comes to telling you what has been on my mind after a long period of STFU. No one busts outta STFU like me, man. So, when I address issues like some of the ones you see above and I don't hear back from the transgressors, it's only natural that I would think I was right. Silence speaks volumes and y'all ain't saying shit. Meanwhile, We continue to do what we have always done; make Great Music and stand behind it or get behind it and push. I ain't stopping nobody from getting what they want outta this life; if you are with Us and you have a dream, a goal, a wish, I am quick to speak for
MUDKIDS and say, "We got your back." It's part of the job, at least with this crew. Which is why you don't see me around some of the people I used to be around and you won't. If it don't reciprocate, it don't work. They have played their 'f*** Russ/y'all' card, not knowing that Jokers ain't wild.
Guess what? It didn't work. In fact, all it did was make you look like the fool I told you that you were. I've long tired of gossippy, bitchy, 'rally-the-troops' mentalities. All that bitching and screaming about me/Us has only made it worse for you, because we put our heads down and grit that much harder, not to spite you, but because that is simply what...we...do. I've sent you the links, I posted the bulletins, the Music is all there and so are the images. Any beefs? Please contact me here cuz I promise you, I can explain anything I said and stand behind it. I'll extend that offer to you one more time and I will be happy to explain how and why I got whatever it is you wanna talk about done. I am feeling sooooo 'Daniel Plainview' right now;
"I told you what I was going to do, didn't I? I told you that I would continue to work as hard as I ever did, if not harder and now look...we have
MUDKIDS TV, we have
'PREHENSILE TALES' and once again, for the seventh or eighth time in a decade, the people where we live have selected Us as their representatives. Name one other band that can say that. Just one...you can't, because there are no others who can stake that claim...in dang-near any of the Arts 'round these parts. Our time is coming and if it isn't, it's not because of lack of effort. I told you this would happen, didn't I? Was I wrong? I told you what would happen and you tried to play me for a fool. Now, who's laughing? Not me! To get to where I wanna go, I have had to accept the fact that there are just certain...people...that will have to fall by the wayside. I accept it, however begrudgingly, but it is accepted nonetheless. I will always, always, always find happiness or at least, solace in my work. And I will always, always, always outwork you. This has nothing to do with money or fame. This is about respect, a respect for me and mine that was completely discarded and I am only so happy to reciprocate, just as I would with 'Love'."
If I were to never play another show or write another Song, I would know that it was because of choices I made, not because of dumb shit that was said by people that would love to be in my position. Let me be brutally honest; you couldn't handle it. You haven't been willing to open your HeArt to the point where you could stand the pressure. Don't you realize that people will always have higher expectations of Us? Do you know how that feels when you are trying to create? All you have ever had to do was play the back and be cool, but you took it upon yourself to get in the middle of everybody's shit. It's your nature. You're weak-minded and weak-willed and when told so, you curl up into a ball and hide behind your glasses, be they on your face or full of beer.
You would sit there and talk shit about everyone and how 'we ain't doing nothing', you're such a 'star', man. I would STFU and listen to this dumb shit and make conversation for the sake of doing so, while taking note of the fact that you were too self-absorbed and self-obsessed to recognize that the very scene you are shitting on is supporting you. And the 'Kid you are sitting there shitting on everybody to is a part of that scene. In fact, I could make an argument that it was I who introduced you to this 'scene', oh so many years ago. My mistake for doing so because you can't sustain friendships or relationships, and manage to bring strife and drama to every group situation you are in. You'll find a way to tear apart whatever it is you are working on now...it's just a matter of time. I'm not worried about it, though. It really is all about you.
Don't get it twisted; it's all about me, too. I've proven a lotta things wrong throughout my career. We took a year off from playing shows and recording and came back as strong as ever. When we started this Group, there was NOBODY around here even attempting to play what was then called 'East Coast Hip-Hop'. I was fresh outta the BIRDMEN, doing something essentially entirely different. I am sure there are some people who thought that
MUDKIDS would shrivel up and die after they left the Circle. We're here and better than ever, working harder and producing more Music. It's all about ELP-MASS, (who doesn't have a page or you would be seeing his link there), the producer, the architect, the Genius. It's all about
DJ HELICON, not only the DJ for the 'Kids, but a multi-tasking maniac, holding down a weekly gig at 6 Ultra Lounge on Fridays AND being one of the co-founders of
ORANJE. Oh, yeah...
ORANJE IS COMING!. Think he don't know PRESSURE? There will be no less than 2500 people at his event. AND he will dealing with a buncha crazy Artists ('good crazy', though.)
We rock on...until....
"I told you what I was gonna do." I told you exactly what would happen and look now. 'Bang bang bang' - pretty much in the timeframe that I told you it would happen. Don't be shocked by anything, because we are capable of anything. You outright shat all over my trust in you, my confidence, your word, and my vision and reputation. You need waaaay more soldiers, bruh. I ain't goin' nowhere until I want to. I told y'all that Tyler and I were 'jazz cats', kindred spirits. I'm gonna rap for-effin'-ever if I feel right about it. I have never felt more right in my Life. Go for yours, cuz I am going for OURS as hard as ever, with a vengeance and fury.
"Check the stats."
MUDKIDSMUDKIDS TV < The 'revolution' is being televised.
RUSTY ON IMEEM'PREHENSILE TALES'Know that as much as I loved you at one point, enough to put up with all the stuff you started, you have hurt me. I told you that and I'm not letting that go until you acknowledge it. You tried to 'kill' me and I know it.
You lost. STFU.
Respect and Grace, that's why I don't speak to chumps anymore. Doing 'Me' FEARLESSLY. Regretting NOTHING.